Coffee Cups & Flying Saucers with MUFON !

New Mexico’s Mutual UFO Network Alamogordo Chapter meets at Otero Arts on 12th & Indian AVE at 11am on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We discuss Flying Saucers and our local aerial phenomenon experiences. Join New Mexico MUFON for Coffee Cups & Flying Saucers a meeting of like-minded individuals with a common interest in sharing what we see in the skies. This free monthly meeting is open to the public.
Coffee Cups & Flying Saucers! Otero Artspace provides historic charm, beauty and ambiance for inspiring thought-provoking discussions regarding aerial phenomena. The Alamogordo MUFON Chapter hosts a monthly meeting on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 11am. The meetings are always free of charge, and all are invited to attend.